Mid-Semester Motivation

February 22, 2019

| Taylor McLaurin

It’s cold, you’re tired and the only thing on your mind is spring break. At this point in the semester motivation is at an all time low. With midterms on top of an already packed schedule, here are some effective ways to stay motivated.


Take Time for Yourself

Need a productive way to procrastinate? Take a study break and participate in a group fitness class at the Co Rec. Sing in the shower or binge watch your favorite Netflix series. Try out that Tasty Recipe you shared on Facebook or bake your favorite dessert. With all the hard work you’ve put in this semester, a few hours of personal enjoyment is definitely reasonable.


Organize Your Time and Set Small Goals

Working on a big group project or preparing for an important exam can be stressful, especially in the midst of the “mid-semester blues.”  When you’re feeling overwhelmed, creating small, managable goals for yourself is one of the best ways to effectively manage your time. Plus, it’ll feel good to cross tasks off your list – even if they’re small.


Listen to Motivational Podcasts

Podcasts are trendy and the newest way to get motivated. Listening to influential speakers is a helpful first step when creating goals for the rest of the semester. Their encouraging words and new perspectives can help jumpstart productivity and motivate you to achieve your goals.


Lean on Your Support System

While at school, friends are often the first point of contact when you need a support system on campus. However, don’t be afraid to utilize on-campus resources such as CAPS. Schedule an appointment or stop by their office, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for a walk-in appointment. If you’re not comfortable visiting CAPS alone, bring a friend! In the words of Bill Withers, “We all need somebody to lean on,” and visiting a safe space or meeting with a friend to vent will feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders.


Take a Deep Breath

Take a peek at your calendar…it’s already the end of February! While a lot of times it can feel like the semester is dragging on, you’re halfway through and summer is right around the corner. Study hard, do your best and focus on the simpler months ahead!

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